Her er det viktig å ikke jukse, så google eller nerdevenner er ikke lov å bruke. Her er listen og om hvilke egenskaper og kunnskaper jeg besitter. X er for når jeg kan det og 0 er får når jeg ikke har peil.
1.Properly secure a wireless router. X: Lett, må gjøre det hele tiden for venner
2.Crack the WEP key on a wireless router. 0
3.Leech Wifi from your neighbor. X: Gjør det hele tiden når jeg må.
4.Screw with Wifi leeches. 0
5.Setup and use a VPN. 0
6.Work from home or a coffee shop as effectively as you do at the office. X: Har hatt hjemmekontor i 3 år nå.
7.Wire your own home with Ethernet cable. X: Ja det har blitt gjort noen ganger på de stedene jeg har bodd.
8.Turn a web camera into security camera. 0
9.Use your 3G phone as a Wi-Fi access point. 0
10.Understand what “There’s no Place Like” means.X: Nerdehumor er bra. Det er standard ip adressen for localhost.
11.Identify key-loggers. 0
12.Properly connect a TV, Tivo, XBox, Wii, and Apple TV so they all work together with the one remote.0
13.Program a universal remote.0
14.Swap out the battery on your iPod/iPhone.0
15.Benchmark Your Computer X: Lenge siden siste men har gjort det.
16.Identify all computer components on sight. X: Lett
17.Know which parts to order from NewEgg.com, and how to assemble them into a working PC. 0
18.Troubleshoot any computer/gadget problem, over the phone. X: Arg, venner ringer meg hele tiden om slike ting.
19.Use any piece of technology intuitively, without instruction or prior knowledge. X: Slik jeg alltid lærer meg nye ting.
20.How to irrecoverably protect data. X: Husker jeg måtte hente fra noen “party” bilder som andre ikke ville skulle eksistere lengre.
21.Recover data from a dead hard drive.0
22.Share a printer between a Mac and a PC on a network.0
23.Install a Linux distribution. (Hint: Ubuntu 9.04 is easier than installing Windows)0
24.Remove a virus from a computer. X: Alle har vel gjort dette?
25.Dual (or more) boot a computer.X: Har det nå på pcen
26.Boot a computer off a thumb drive.0
27.Boot a computer off a network drive. X: En radiokanal jeg jobbet på pleide vi å gjøre dette. Særlig om pcen hang seg på natten og det blei stille på lufta.
28.Replace or repair a laptop keyboard.0
29.Run more than two monitors on a single computer.X: Dataspill blir bare så mye mer gøy da.
30.Successfully disassemble and reassemble a laptop.0
31.Know at least 10 software easter eggs off the top of your head.0
32.Bypass a computer password on all major operating systems. Windows, Mac, Linux0
33.Carrying a computer cleaning arsenal on your USB drive.0
34.Bypass content filters on public computers.0
35.Protect your privacy when using a public computer. X: På ferie er dette et must.
36.Surf the web anonymously from home.0
37.Buy a domain, configure bind, apache, MySQL, php, and Wordpress without Googling a how-to.0
38.Basic *nix command shell knowledge with the ability to edit and save a file with vi.0
39.Create a web site using vi.0
40.Transcode a DVD to play on a portable device.X: Må ha film på mp3 spilleren.
41.Hide a file in an image using steganography.X: Disse party bildene som blei slettet måtte bli gjemt hehe.
42Knowing the answer to life, the universe and everything.X: Rimelig enkelt.
43.Share a single keyboard and mouse between multiple computers without a KVM switch.0
44.Google obscure facts in under 3 searches. Bonus point if you can use I Feel Lucky. X: Gjør det hele tiden.
45.Build amazing structures with LEGO and invent a compelling back story for the creation.0
46.Understand that it is LEGO, not Lego, Legos, or Lego’s. X: Var i LEGOLand som liten.
47.Build a two story house out of LEGO, in monochrome, with a balcony.0
48.Construct a costume for you or your kid out of scraps, duct tape, paper mâché, and imagination.0
49.Be able to pick a lock.0
50.Determine the combination of a Master combination padlock in under 10 minutes.0
51.Assemble IKEA furniture without looking at the instructions. Bonus point if you don’t have to backtrack.0
52.Use a digital SLR in full manual mode.0
53.Do cool things to Altoids tins.0
54.Be able to construct paper craft versions of space ships.0
55.Origami! Bonus point for duct tape origami. (Ductigami)0
56.Fix anything with duct tape, chewing gum and wire.0
57.Knowing how to avoid being eaten by a grue.0
58.Know what a grue is.0
59.Understand where XYZZY came from, and have used it.0
60.Play any SNES game on your computer through an emulator.X: Har nesten alle Snes spillene på pcen.
61.Burn the rope.0
62.Know the Konami code, and where to use it.0
63.Whistle, hum, or play on an iPhone, the Cantina song.X: Jada, jeg er Star Wars nerd.
64.Learning to play the theme songs to the kids favorite TV shows.0
65.Solve a Rubik’s Cube.X: Vanskelig men det går.
66.Calculate THAC0.0
67.Know the difference between skills and traits.X: Spiller man mye RPG så veit man det.
68.Explain special relativity in terms an eight-year-old can grasp.0
69.Recite pi to 10 places or more.0
70.Be able to calculate tip and split the check, all in your head.0
71.Explain that the colours in a rainbow are roygbiv.0
72.Understand the electromagnetic spectrum - xray, uv, visible, infrared, microwave, radio.0
73.Know the difference between radiation and radioactive contamination.0
74.Understand basic electronics components like resistors, capacitors, inductors and transistors.0
75.Solder a circuit while bottle feeding an infant. (lead free solder please.)0
76.The meaning of technical acronyms.0
77.The coffee dash, blindfolded (or blurry eyed). Coffee
78.Build a fighting robot.0
79.Program a fighting robot.0
80.Build a failsafe into a fighting robot so it doesn’t kill you.0
81.Be able to trace the Fellowship’s journey on a map of Middle Earth.X: Har kart.
82.Know all the names of the Dwarves in The Hobbit.0
83.Understand the difference between a comic book and a graphic novel.X: Veldig viktig så dama ikke tror at jeg samler på tegneserier.
84.Know where your towel is and why it is important.X: Don’t panic!
85.Re-enact the parrot sketch.X: Norwegian Blue
86.Know the words to The Lumberjack Song.X: Hehe, Just like my dear papa!
87.Reciting key scenes from Monty Python and the Holy Grail.X: Når man er på fylla kommer slike sitater.
88.Be able to recite at least one Geek Movie word for word.0
89.Know what the 8th Chevron does on a Stargate and how much power is required to get a lock.0
90.Be able to explain why it’s important that Han shot first.X: Historieforfalsking er ikke bra
91.Know why it is just wrong for Luke and Leia to kiss.X: YUCK!
92.Stop talking Star Wars long enough to get laid.X: Jepp, been there, done that
93.The ability to name actors, characters and plotlines from the majority of sci-fi movies produced since 1968.X: Sukk, ja men det er bare fordi det er min job eller….
94.Cite Mythbusters when debunking a myth or urban legend.X: Jepp, skjer hele tiden
95.Sleep with a Cricket bat next to your bed.0
96.Have a documented plan on what to do during a zombie or robot uprising.X: Har bokene og veit hva jeg må gjøre.
97.Identify evil alternate universe versions of friends, family, co-workers or self.0
98.Be able to convince TSA that the electronic parts you are carrying are really not a threat to passengers.0
99.Talk about things that aren’t tech related.X: Det funker men kan bli bedre.
100.Get something on the front page of Digg.0
Jeg kunne bare 37 ting på denne listen. Var noen ting som var litt vel sære føler meg. Er kanskje ikke så geek som jeg trodde, er vel mer nerd enn geek. Er det noen som fikk flere enn meg?
Jeg hadde ca like mange som deg, faktisk. Mye av techgreiene i starten av lista scora jeg dårlig på, selv om jeg skulle nok fått til en del av det med Google for hånda.
SvarSlettPå scifi-biten hadde jeg det meste, hurra for venner som kan følge meg når jeg launcher ut i Holy Grail-replikker :D
Skuffende lite bøker/filmer/graphic novels på lista. Er jo mange typer geek.
Og geek og nerd er ikke det samme, bare så det er sagt ;)
Enig at det var lite bøker/filmer på lista, vi får bare trøste oss med at vi er geeks uansett.
SvarSlett“There’s no Place Like”
SvarSlettTror jeg døør!